Sunday, November 21, 2010

Body By Baby!

Prenatal Fitness

Giving birth is a strenuous exercise that requires attention and participation from every group of muscles in your body. If you stretch and train these muscles throughout your pregnancy, you can be confident in your ability to give birth it all you've got! 

During our work-outs, we will complete three ten-minute cycles that bring physical and mental focus on each part of the body. Between each cycle, we will take a few moments to cool down, drink some water, practice breathing techniques, and connect with baby. We will also take time to appreciate ourselves and the tremendous things our bodies can do! This type of work-out is designed to train your body for birth while giving you extra energy, not tiring you out. I will provide yoga mats, birthing balls, and 2 lb. weights for us to use.

By making a commitment to yourself and your baby to stay in shape during your pregnancy, you are giving yourself a head-start on birth. Your body already knows, instinctively, how to birth, but now you have built the strength and stamina to push your baby out with vigor!

Aside from preparing you for birth, our prenatal work outs will keep you looking and feeling fabulous as your body changes with your baby. Stretch marks and swollen ankles? More like toned, beautiful curves and glowing skin. Pregnancy is a very sexy time in your life, so enjoy it!

Postpartum Fitness

After giving birth, Momma needs to rest and focus on breastfeeding while acknowledging the amazing work she has done giving birth to a beautiful baby. However, she also needs to respect her body and assist in the healing process. Our postpartum routine (starting at three days postpartum) will consist of fifteen minutes of stretching, breathing, and light arm training. These exercises will promote healthy circulation and keep you in touch with your body as it shrinks back down to size. The arm training will come in handy as your baby gets heavier.

Weight loss during the initial six-week postpartum period should be due to breastfeeding and the natural healing process, not exercise. Feeding your baby takes 500+ calories out of your body and helps your uterus shrink back to its normal size.

Please, do not try to do more than your body is ready to do after birth. All aerobic exercises should be avoided until at least six weeks. When you do feel ready to start really working out again, do so in moderation, your body is still healing!

At six weeks, or whenever you feel ready after that point, it is okay to start challenging your body and working towards a healthy goal weight and/or size. At our six-week postpartum work out, we will do a thirty-minute work out that will elevate your heart rate and draw gentle attention to the areas that have been resting and preparing for this moment. I will also introduce you to exercises you can do on your own and exercises you can do with your baby. Staying in shape is very important as a Momma-- before you know it, you'll have a little one to chase after!

On that note, I'm going to do some pilates with my son, Malcolm. At eighteen pounds, he is a very challenging--very adorable--weight!

I would love to help you have a happy, healthy pregnancy and a beautiful birth!

Meg Savage
207-615-2927 (cell)
813-381-4585 (work 9-3)

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